Along with all Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) in North America, the naturopathic medicine program at CCNM is accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), a programmatic accrediting agency for naturopathic medical education. Their office is located at P.O. Box 178, Great Barrington, MA 01230 and they may be contacted by phone at (413) 528-8877. CCNM received a seven-year reaccreditation period, the longest term available. The determination of the CNME Board to grant this period of reaccreditation is based upon a rigorous review and assessment CCNM’s programs and operations.
Naturopathic doctors (also known as NDs or naturopaths) provide health care to people of all ages, focusing on the use of natural therapies to support and stimulate healing processes.
All licensed NDs complete a minimum of three years university-level training, including pre-medical courses, then four years at an accredited naturopathic medical college. In naturopathic programs, NDs study the same basic medical and clinical sciences as other health care professionals, like MDs or RNs. For information on becoming an ND, or the requirements to practice in Ontario, please visit the websites of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors or the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Registration with a governing body helps ensure that NDs have the knowledge, skill and judgment to carry out their role. As of July 1, 2015, NDs are regulated by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.
Anyone seeing an ND should expect to be dealing with a highly trained professional, one who has met comprehensive standards in order to practice. As regulated professionals, NDs are accountable for their conduct and practice.
ND, Naturopathic Doctor and Naturopath are protected titles. That means that only people who have demonstrated the education and qualification to practice can use the title. It’s important that you know who is delivering your care. Anybody found using a protected title without belonging to that profession’s regulatory college is considered an illegal practitioner, engaged in unauthorized practice. The appropriate college will investigate.
Contact the College if you have any concerns about an ND’s conduct or practice. College staff can also help you understand what the Standards of the professional mean, and can advise you on your rights as a health care consumer. The College puts the interests of the public first.
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